Unsere Elfriede von den Eisners hat folgende Titel erringen können:


🌟 Junior Champion of Bosnien Herzegowina 2023

🌟 Junior Champion of Fed. Bosnien Herzegowina 2023

🌟 Junior Champion Kroatien 2023

🌟 Junior Champion Rumänien 2024

🌟 Internationaler Jugend-Champion FCI - in Einreichung - Bedingungen erfüllt

🌟 WUT Jugend-Champion 2024

🌟 Slowakischer Jugendchampion (SK-JCH) 2024

🌟 Slowenischer Jugendchampion 2024

🌟Junior Champion of the Republic of Macedonia in Beauty 2024

🌟Junior Champion of Kosova 2024

🌟Junior Grand Champion of Kosova 2024

🌟Jugend Champion of Montenegro 2024

🌟Grand Champion of Montenegro 2024

🌟Junior Champion of Albania 2024

🌟Grand Champion of Albania 2024

🌟Champion of Apollonia 2024

🌟Grand Champion of Apollonia 2024

🌟Junior Balkan Champion 2024

🌟Mediterranean Champion 2024

🌟Grand Mediterranean Champion 2024

🌟Adriatic Winner Bar 2024

🌟Young Champion of Yugoslavia 2024

🌟Young Grand Champion of Yugoslavia 2024

🌟Young Champion of Nato 2024

🌟Young Grand Champion of Nato 2024

🌟Young Champion of the Adriatic 2024

🌟Young Grand Champion of the Adriatic 2024

🌟Young Grand Champion of the Mediterranean 2024

🌟Young Grand Champion of Balkan 2024

🌟Grand Champion of the Mediterranean 2024